Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Altar Kits

I've been recently making and creating travel and home altar kits. The tins can easily be stowed in your pocket to bring a piece of sacred space with you on your travels or as an every day carry. I've also been painting and curating boxes for you home and 




Monday, January 19, 2015

Scented Sachets

With the purest of essential oils and with fabrics that I've been sourcing for years. These are great for keeping in drawers, pockets, under your pillow, and making a special batch with Cedar wood oil for wool storage. 

Planted Terrariums

These little fairy gardens are meticulously planted so anyone can create their own little world to escape to. Making them in all shapes and sizes!

Marimo Ball Terrariums

 I've been creating little portable worlds with Marimo Balls. A very special algae that is found off the coast of Japan, Iceland, and Scotland. In Japan they are revered as pets and very easy to take care of. I am in the process of making many small special enclosures that anyone can care for! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Albert Piccolo bags sewn by Sew Lab USA!

These are a couple of my designs printed on canvas totes that are made and designed by my husband's company Sew Lab USA. They are heavy duty canvas ready to be beat up and loved!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Some shirt designs I have done all drawings done by me and hand screened.


Here are some of my Monster creations! They are all part of an adopt a monster program, they are one of a kind and best companions ever!